
I haven’t been on here as much as I will be in the future. Been a couple of big months here at home. Two hard classes right now and my #1 baby boy will be turning 18 on Wednesday. Not sure when that happened, I really did just blink and now he’s graduating high school. However, when he was a child and we first got his Autism diagnosis we were told this year might never even come for him. So, you just live one day at a time and pray and try to be patient with life and doctors and specialists. Now here we are, we are going through legal guardianship for him right now, because he won’t be able to take care of himself totally on his own. Yet, the things he can accomplish and the amazing young man he has become is more than we could have ever, ever asked for. The lessons of life he teaches me everyday allow me to look at things from so many different angles and that’s just such a special gift. So, to all of you out there who are scared, feel defeated, and hopeless; just look into the eyes of your kiddos. All the hope you will ever need will be shining right there. Love you my precious boy!

Always & Forever,
