New Stuff

So, May 4th on Star Wars Day, we went in front of a judge and she awarded my husband and I guardianship of our 18 year old pride and joy. A bitter sweet day! Good, because now he will always be protected. Sad, cause this is not something you ever want to have to do for your child. ALl I know is, years ago we were told he wouldn’t talk, or graduate high school. Guess what? He graduates in June, and he is the most incredible young man. So, if you’re scared out there, that’s ok. But, never forget, it will always get better.


Hello there!

I keep saying I will be on here more, and I do mean that. Right now is very busy with life and all that is happening with our boys and school. We now have a refferal for my middle boy to be evaluted for possible Autism as well. That would make all three of my sons on some part of the spectrum and I can’t say I am not a bit overwhelmed. Yes, that does happen. I don’t care if you’re Mary Poppins at some point with your children you may just feel overwhelmed, scared, and like you got dealt the crap hand. What is important to remember in those times is… This is not about you. Your kiddos are the ones whose lives are never going to be what you as parents might have wanted for them, or what others expect. But, the interesting thing about that is; who cares? All I can do as a Parent is make sure there are smiles on my sons faces, laughter in their eyes, and kindness in their hearts. If I have accomplished that, then I have been dealt the hand that wins every single time. Yes, there are times I cry, I am crying as I write this. I want them to experience and have all the oppurtunities I had and more. However, they will experience their version of life and I am no one to say it won’t be the most fulfilling and rich experience anyone could hope for. The one thing above all else I and my husband already do, is to make sure they are protected when our time on this Earth is done. Which we are currently in the process of. The people I love, you know who you are, and I couldn’t have this journey without you in our corner. I ask God for patience, grace, a tight lid on my frustration, and the ability to never ever let my children down if it is within my means. For those of you out there who might be going through life with your own tough roads at times. Rememeber you are never alone, it might be hard but ask for help, it makes you strong and shows you have faith in others. That’s a lesson all children should learn by example.

L- Kami


I haven’t been on here as much as I will be in the future. Been a couple of big months here at home. Two hard classes right now and my #1 baby boy will be turning 18 on Wednesday. Not sure when that happened, I really did just blink and now he’s graduating high school. However, when he was a child and we first got his Autism diagnosis we were told this year might never even come for him. So, you just live one day at a time and pray and try to be patient with life and doctors and specialists. Now here we are, we are going through legal guardianship for him right now, because he won’t be able to take care of himself totally on his own. Yet, the things he can accomplish and the amazing young man he has become is more than we could have ever, ever asked for. The lessons of life he teaches me everyday allow me to look at things from so many different angles and that’s just such a special gift. So, to all of you out there who are scared, feel defeated, and hopeless; just look into the eyes of your kiddos. All the hope you will ever need will be shining right there. Love you my precious boy!

Always & Forever,


Today was fun!

There are many things about Autism that are confusing, irritating, and take forever. Those many things are categorized as…. (wait for it)…PAPERWORK! Today, it was my pleasure to scan page after page of over thirty pieces of paper into my computer. To turn around and print two copies of each paper for two different appointments. Both within an hour of each other tomorrow. Then, I get to run back across town drop off my oldest and pick up my youngest who will (by that time) have just got off the bus. Turn around and go right back across town for his first day of Little Ninjas. If you could see my face right now, you would know instinctively-exactly- how delighted I am about my Friday. On top of these festivities, I started two new classes today, which are titled Abnormal Psychology and Contemporary Applications of the Sciences. The good times continue on  Monday of next week when I get to experience it all again for my Autistic minion number two. Except, we get to drive an hour and a half for those appointments. Yes, this is one of my venting posts, obviously. I promise they will not all be this snarky, well… I promise I will do my best to make them not all this snarky.

I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I totally love my boys and all the paperwork that comes with them. The issue I have is when three or more different services give me 1-6 pages each, of the -exact- same paperwork. It is just formatted slightly different. So, not only is it quite a bit of information, it’s all the same information. With just enough differences that you can’t make one hard copy and print it off.

The second great part of paperwork is; just when you’re sure you have every highlighted page signed, and every medical doctor has been written down. You settle into bed for the three hours you get before someone wakes you up. When your eyes fly open thinking you forgot something. The mental checklist provides you with the realization that everything has been accomplished, but now see if you get back to sleep. Ha! Ha!


A little about everything!

First, I will say I don’t know Word Press so I will be very boring until I get familiar. I had a friend recently tell me I should write about my stuff, so I figured I would give it a go. I have three boys who are in my opinion in-credi-ble. Most parents however, will think that way about their kiddos. My oldest son will be 18 next month, then I have a five and three year old. My oldest and youngest are both Autistic and my middle it is speculated at the moment may be on the opposite side of the spectrum. So, between school, services, work, and all life entails; things at times can become crazy pretty quickly. We are not perfect and we are not awful. We just do our best to take life on life’s terms in how it presents itself to us daily. This is a blog to offer me a bit of ‘let it go’ therapy. So, if you choose to share or read it, understand right away. I may offend you, you may not agree with me, you might decide any number of things. I am grown and respect differences in everyone. Having different ways of thinking and doing things makes you who you are. I ask the same open mind back, nothing more or less. Thank you!